What attendees of our Action-Planning Workshops have said:
“You just saved us a lot of money”
“Everyone who touches a supplier should go through this program”
“Learned more in this two days than in a week at (Prestigious Name Withheld) business school”
“I applied the ideas to one of our most critical business relationships the next day and it turned the entire situation around”
“Inspiring and immediately useful”
“Far exceeded my expectations”
“The best seminar of its type I’ve seen in my 20 years in this company”
“Insights were most helpful”
“Great work and very appreciated! Wonderful Presentation!”
“Techniques & Pitfalls that can be applied to existing and future business relationships that we are working with...The program was very helpful and useful”.
“Extremely interesting, thoughtprovoking and helpful!”
Representative Client List:
Companies that have actively engaged us in installing best practices have included: (These include Alliance Best Practices, Outsourcing Best Practices, Supply Chain Best Practices, and Engines of Innovation Best Practices)