Business Development Kit for Saddleback Church
- Purpose:
Provide information & tools to enable you to quickly assess a situation in your target country, mobilize your in-country team, and get a pilot project going to establish a beachhead for a new vision and new future for people in that country.
- Value Proposition:
God Willing, volunteers will be mentally and spiritually well prepared for their work, and have minimal work finding necessary materials, understand the situation in their target country, and organizing for action quickly. We have tried to based this kit on Best Practices derived from the input from people who have already been to developing countries and those who have spent years of their lives devoted to empowering people.
We hope this Kit is helpful. We are committed to making the Kit more useful for you and will be making improvements continuously. Please be sure to send us your suggestions, appreciations, and additions so that we can incorporate the ideas in subsequent versions.
David Bridgeman, Task Force Leader,
Sandra & Robert Lynch, Chuck Evans, & George Dalinger, “Kit” Project Team members