We have been conducting diagnostic assessments of the interactions between organizations for 15 years. Today, by using simple internet based survey techniques, augmented if necessary with personal interviews, we can provide a diagnostic analysis of the quality of your cross/inter-organizational innovation process. 
Up until now, the process has been too labor intensive (usually requiring many interviews), too costly (because of the labor intensity), and too time consuming (resulting in delays in taking corrective action).
Knowing the importance of accuracy and speed, we have developed an entirely new approach to keeping your pulse on the effectiveness of interactional collaboration. The unique value we provide to clients includes:
- Focused: A web based interactive survey tool that can be customized to a specific area of relationship interest.
- Accuracy: All data is quantifiable, including superior quality of information and easy-to-understand analyses.
- Targeting of Critical Factors: Our Diagnostic Assessment targets a proprietary suite of 35 critical diagnostic factors, practices, and processes. Ongoing data can be collected to enable you to assess new alliance opportunities.
- Speed: Final analysis and report in as quick as 24 hours following survey completion. Provides feedback on the performance of alliances of all types.
- Cost Reduction: A pricing structure that is tailored to the size and frequency of the survey. The approach reduces communication and travel costs.
- Accessibility: Open path for respondents’, available 7 days per week, 24 hours per day, worldwide.
- Confidentiality: Protection of all respondent’s identification, ensuring anonymity.
- Versatility: One Diagnostic Assessment can also be used to survey multiple departments within an alliance.
- Feedback with Action Planning: sessions (optional) conducted by a neutral that will help resolve issues and difficulties and diffuse potentially conflictive situations.
By focusing the diagnosis on the critical Best Practices and Key Factors for Success, we can quickly isolate which actions are producing either success or dysfunctionality, and target solutions that cure the underlying problem, not temporarily apply a salve to the symptom.
We provide three essential ingredients to make this program effective:
1) Expertise
2) Neutrality
3) Confidentiality
- Recommendations based on ongoing Benchmarking Studies and CapabilityBuilding comparisons.
- An early warning system of indicators flags successes or failures. Prescribes corrective actions and/or suggests emphasis on activities that are going well.
- “Dashboard” Presentation analyzes the operational, strategic, and chemistry fit of a specific alliance and represents the data in a graphical dashboard representation.
- Based on Performance Assessment and Best Practice Benchmarking Research over ten years including hundreds of successes and failures.